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Why Beat-The-Tremor Foundation?

While going through the comments from online community, I realized that a huge information gap exists among patients and families in towns and villages in India. BTTF intents to bridge this gap with the mission to support the patients of Parkinson's Disease in India, virtually for now..

Inspired by my uncle, who is suffering from Parkinson's disease, I built a device called JTremor3D, which is a wearable tremor profiling device for patients of Parkinson's Disease. 

It can provide tremor profile (tremor level) of patient to doctor or caregiver on demand any time.
In this context, BBC captured my video on the National Science Day. The video was released in six languages.Over millions people viewed these videos.


While I am not on social media yet, thanks to my dad, I got an opportunity to see some of the comments from viewers of the videos.

I was shocked to see that there were hundreds of patients / their family members who wrote that they didn't have much information about the disease, treatment options, etc.

Several of them have no clues about suitable diet, exercises or even good doctors.

This made me realize that there is a big information gap, especially among the patients from towns and villages in India. 

There is a need to capture and curate relevant information and make it available to the patients and their family members in the language of their choice. 


Beat-The-Tremor Foundation intents to spread awareness by bringing  relevant curated information about happenings, 
diet, exercise, devices, key doctors, living with Parkinson' Disease and many more topics in patient's language..


This is not a commercial enterprise. I am a school student, who wants to bridge this information gaps so as to try to 
some value to the life of PD patients.


Hence, I would request you all to send the link to as many patients as possible so that they will subscribe to the newsletter and get benefitted.


Beat-The-Tremor Foundation




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Note: This is not a commercial venture. I am a high school student and the intent here is to spread awareness and thereby help the patients of Parkinson's Disease. All information is owned by respective websites (I would like to thank all the sources). My family suffered a lot due to lack of awareness about this disease. Hence trying to help other patients. Beat-the-tremor is strictly information website and newsletter about the Parkinson’s Disease. It does not provide any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for any professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. You should never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Any opinion expressed or suggestions given on this website or newsletter are not those of Beat-the-tremor or me. The intent is only to help patients without any commercial remuneration.

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