E-nose for early detection!
Parkinson's Disease usually isn't identified until the body develops motor symptoms. However, by then, patients start to experience the irreversible neuron loss. In an attempt to detect the disease early, researchers have been trying to use odor compounds on the skin for early diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease. They have now developed a portable, artificially intelligent olfactory system, also called e-nose, that promises to diagnose the disease right in the doctors office.
Researchers recently discovered that patients with PD secrete increased sebum (an oily waxy substance produced by skin's sebaceous glands), along with increased production of yeast, enzymes and hormones. These secretions combine to produce certain odors. Existing instruments to detect sebum are too bulky, slow and expensive. Now these scientists have developed e-nose, combining Gas Chromatography, surface accoustic wave sensor and machine learning algorithms.
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Possible alternate circuit in brain that is unaffected by PD
A patient of Parkinson's Disease, who used to find it a long and arduous process to get up from the chair, saw that his grandson was in danger of falling from the stairs. The patient in spite of the disease jumped up from the chair (as if there was no disease) and ran towards his grandson to save him. This sudden ability of a person with Parkinson's Disease to move quickly and fluidly, the way they did before the disease eroded brain area involved in movement is referred as Paradoxical kinesia. This phenomenon tends to appear in situations that involves stress or a strong emotion. This hints at a possibility of an alternate "unaffected" circuit to control voluntary movement.
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Heart attack tied to reduced risk of Parkinson's Disease.
Accordingly to a study published last month, Heart attacks are associated with reduced risk of Parkinson's Disease. This may indicate a reverse relationship between Parkinson's Disease and cardio-vascular risk factors. This finding has no bearing on the gender of the patient. However, this relationship is more pronounced in the older patients. It also has been stated that smoking, which increases the risk of cardio-vascular disease, is in fact linked to decreasing the risk of developing Parkinson's Disease. It is likely that cardiac rehabilitation focused on preventing ischemic stroke, vascular dementia and other cardio vascular diseases appears to be reducing the risks of developing PD.
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Natural approaches that can be considered:
While there are standard treatment options and lifestyle changes, there also are alternative therapies that can be considered. The use of alternative medicine is not much researched yet. However, a small number of studies suggests that the following natural approaches may be of some benefit:
Acupuncture: This is a needle-based Chinese therapy that may help improve motor symptoms. Further studies are being conducted.
Tai Chi: Long term Tai Chi training can improve gait and balance problems. This may also include enhanced brain network function, reduced inflammation, improved metabolism adn decreased degeneration.
Coenzyme Q10: Level of Coenzyme Q10, an essential substance for cell functioning, reduces due to Parkinson's Disease. Use of a dietary supplement for Coenzyme Q10 is being investigated.
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